Helping You Stay Compliant

Did you know that The Companies Act requires you to submit various documents within strict time limits? At Max Pro Accountants we know that starting a Limited Company (Ltd) or Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) can be a slightly daunting task. Our Company Secretarial Services make it easy for you to focus on your business while we handle the administration hassle and compliance headaches for you.

We’ll make sure you are fully compliant with the Companies Act and meet all your statutory obligations. Whatever the latest legislative changes and requirements our Company Secretarial Services will make sure they are not overlooked.

In addition to Company Registration and record keeping, our services in this area include:

  • Completing your Annual Return each year
  • Preparation of confirmation statements
  • Share capital allocation and transfers
  • Making changes to your Company Directors or appointing a Secretary
  • Preparing board minutes and resolutions.

Rest assured we will relieve you of both the burden and the worry by helping with all of your Company Secretarial duties. This wide range of services really do compliment the full portfolio of Accounting, Bookkeeping and Tax Services we offer. This comprehensive help will ensure that you can focus on running your business.

So why not get in touch to find out more about these services. Contact Us Here for a list of our services and prices.